Sponsorship Tiers
Dear Friend of ALFA,
For over 30 years, ALFA has served some of the most vulnerable populations in our community. Recently, we have seen an increase in negative rhetoric and set backs in LGBTQ+ rights and other vulnerable communities. Now more than ever, it is important to stand together and show support to our community. This year we invite you to the 2nd annual Stepping Out to Stop Stigma 0.5K. In addition to raising awareness of ALFA and the services we provide, we're hoping to have representation from affirming businesses and organizations. We're also aiming to raise $10,000 to support ALFA's services - HIV case management HIV/STI/Hep C testing, treatment and care, & Harm Reduction, to name a few. ALFA is currently providing services to over 500 people per month!
On October 14th we are planning to host a fundraising event like no other. "Runners" will meet for donuts and coffee before strolling to our mid point aid station for a water break, and an obstacle course. After completing the 0.5K "race" (approximately 1/3 a mile) participants will be met with a food truck lunch at the finish line. At this event, we are raising money through registrations, and encouraging participants to create a fundraising page and encourage their friends to donate.
We think our efforts would go even farther with your company as an official sponsor. Sponsorships start at $250 and include a Team Registration package, as well as other perks to highlight your commitment to stopping stigma in our community. We are offering a special sponsorship for local nonprofits at only $100, allowing like minded organizations to participate and do outreach to participants. With your support we’re sure to achieve this season’s fundraising goal and continue to provide vital health services to vulnerable community members. If your company is interested in being our official event sponsor, please sign up at www.alfainfo.org, or reach out to me: gkahle@alfainfo.org. We can’t wait to hear back!
With warm regards,
Greg Kahle
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