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Plymouth Rock n Run

Thu November 27, 2025 Anaheim, CA 92807 US Directions

Bib/Packet Pick Up

Please come to one of our packet pick up days if possible. If you wait until race day there will be lines and we don't want you to miss the start because you are stuck waiting in line.

You will need a photo id to pick up your bib (parents/guardians can pick up for children who are under 18 without having ID for them)

If you are picking up a bib for another adult, you will need to following

  1. A copy of their ID. You can have a photo of their ID on your phone or a printed photo copy of the ID
  2. A printed (on paper) copy of the race waiver that you can download at this link. Sorry for the hassle of having to have them print and sign this waiver but our insurance company and lawyers require us to be very strict about this.

If you are picking up for a child, then you need a waiver signed by their parent or guardian.


When you pick up your bib, you will also get your event shirt. You will only be able to get the shirt size that you selected during registration. Please don't ask our volunteers to change your size. We order shirts weeks ahead of time and it is possible, if you registered late, that we will be out of your size by then. There are always a bunch of no-shows but we don't know ahead of time what size those people will be. After the race, shirts from the no-shows will be available. If you didn't get a shirt or want to swap the size you got for another size (as long as you haven't worn the shirt yet) then you can return to the shirt table and see what is available. 

Bib pick up times and locations:


Saturday, November 23rd

1pm to 4pm

Fanatics Athletic Club. This great gym is right on the course, a little over a mile from the start line, east of the intersection of La Palma and Yorba Linda Blvd.  22222 La Palma Ave, Yorba Linda, CA 92887. Take a tour of the gym while you are there and anyone who signs up on Saturday after getting their bib will get a discount on their initiation fees!  Get a jump start on your new years resolutions by joining the gym.

Map link here


Tuesday, November 26th

1pm to 3pm

During the Reeve-Irvine Research Institute open house event:
Gillespie Neuroscience Research Facility - 1st Floor
837 Health Sciences Rd, Irvine, CA 92617 - click for map

Parking: Health Sciences Parking Structure   -- Map link here

Purchase hourly General parking permits ($5.00 per hour) at the permit Dispensers/Kiosks on the 2nd floor of the parking structure. 

Wednesday, November 27th
5pm to 730pm

Yorba Regional Park, adjacent to the finish line

Map Link Here


Race Day, Thursday, November 28th
6am to Race Time

Yorba Regional Park, adjacent to the finish line

Map Link Here

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